It seemed like an ordinary day. I needed to pick up some things at Walmart and then it was off to my Dr. appointment. Now, the big question was, which Walmart was I going to? There is a neighborhood one on my way or I could go to my regular Walmart.
I had my list in my purse and I was off! I decided that I would go to my regular Walmart because it was bigger and I wanted to pick up a certain nail polish color. I figured they probably wouldn’t have any at the smaller store. I picked up all the items on my list and then onto the polish aisle. What? Where was my nail polish? Well, I guess I will stop at the smaller store to see if they may remotely have my periwinkle color.
I know this may seem like I am sharing too many details, but there is a reason for my sharing this information. I arrived at the smaller store and with not much time to spare, I was off to find my item.
As I was walking across the store I happened to notice a very thin elderly woman. I think because my customer base at my job is elderly ladies between the ages of 40 and 90, I tend to notice them even when I am not working. I had noticed she was alone and was probably doing her weekly grocery shopping.
I found the nail polish aisle and lo and behold there was my color. I grabbed two bottles and off I went toward the self check out lane. I paid for my items and started to walk towards the exit. I noticed the elderly lady was paying for her items.
Then the thought popped into my mind, “Why don’t you get her some flowers?” I turned around and back into the store I went, picked up a bouquet and off to the checkout lane. I knew the lady had already walked out the store, but I was hoping to catch her.
I walked out into the parking lot and began searching for her. I couldn’t find her! I then prayed, “Lord, I believe You wanted me to give these flowers to this elderly lady, now You are going to have to show me where she is.” I walked a few more steps and there she was by her SUV putting the groceries inside the back seat.
I reached into my purse, pulled out one of my Gospel tracts and walked towards the lady. I extended my hand with the bouquet of flowers and the tract and said, “Here, I would like to give these to you.” She had a surprised look on her face and thanked me.
I prayed a silent prayer thanking God for helping me to find her and suddenly I knew what I had to do next…