I had written in my last post about giving each maintenance worker at the mall where I work, a thank you card, Gospel tract, and ten dollars to buy lunch. To my amazement, I realized that I had forgot two of the workers. I found one of the ladies and gave her the card and thought I had finished my task.
Well, after our Style Show in our mall I went to get something to eat at the Food Court. Lo and behold, I saw another older woman I had not given a card. I purchased my lunch and went back to my store and sat down to eat it. I knew what I had to do and tried to imagine a time when I could get back to the woman.
I finished out my shift and was walking out of the mall when I “felt” compelled to go back to the food court and seek out the last woman. She was in the food court talking to one of her fellow workers, so I prayed and waited for a few moments.
I must admit I was exhausted from the Style Event and wanted to go home as quickly as I could. The thought did come into my mind about just finding her the next day and leave. Yet, that compelling voice said, “Just wait a few more minutes.” I prayed, “Lord, I need your strength, I am tired, exhausted, and I want to go home.”
By the time I had reached the lady, her coworker left her and she was alone. I walked up to her, handed her a tract and a ten dollar bill and said thank you for your hard work. As I turned around to go out of the mall, I was amazed how God had impressed to me to go to the food court at the exact moment the woman would be there.
Hopefully, I will listen when He impresses me in the future!