When I became a teacher I had no idea how it would affect the rest of my life. I taught elementary, Jr. high, and one year of high school physical education, in four different Christian Schools. I know becoming a teacher is truly a calling. I have had the privilege of teaching for 25 years. Every year came with its challenges, yet it had its blessings. I truly loved each one of my students and wanted them to succeed in whatever God’s plan was for their lives.
I have since retired from teaching, yet still keep in contact with some of my students through Facebook. I enjoy seeing their families and can hardly believe that some of my first students are going to be grandparents. Yikes, I’m old!
One of my students has been having many health issues and recently has become in need of a major, serious surgery. My heart breaks for this student as I know she has had some very tough times. Yet, I know she has her family and friends who are both supporting her with prayer and financial gifts as the surgery is so expensive.
I still have one of her cards she wrote as an adult thanking me for being her teacher. Truly I am thankful for her, for I have seen her stand strong in spite of her circumstances, and her desire to help others who have gone through similar circumstances in their lives.
I truly believe God brings people into our lives to help them in their time of need. It may be a former student, friend or family member. We may not agree with their political views, church affiliation, or even with their life style. What are we going to do about it? Are we going to try to influence our way of thinking of them? Are we going to ignore them because they are different than we are?
How would Jesus treat them? I know He would love them and want to help them. If we are to be the light and salt of the earth, then maybe we ought to help people, love them in spite of how we think they should live.
Who has crossed your path recently, and what are you going to do about it?